Interdisciplinary Arts

Assessment Portfolio

Portfolio Structure

You can see all of the IA portfolio tabs in the left-hand menu of Foliotek:

Select any tab to see assignments listed in the center of the page.  

Adding Content

Select an assignment from the middle of the screen to add files, links, and evidence of your work in that area. The example displayed on this page is from the Introductory Courses tab. Selecting any of the courses will display a green plus sign to add content.

Click on  the green plus sign to upload files, add links, are include a presentation portfolio. You can upload up to 100 items per assignment.
 Your advisor will provide more detailed instructions for the digital portfolio project, and you will find some instructions attached within the portfolio itself, but here is a set of general instructions for you to reference as you work on your portfolio: IA Portfolio Instructions  
The time, effort, and content that you add to the IA portfolio will guide the conversation with your advisor and help prepare you for the Capstone final project.
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